Moving on through April


Ruth here:

“I wake up to a cool chill in the morning with the rising birds singing to the blue skies. The sun slowly overcomes the shadows of the dawn and warms my face as my coffee steams in my hands. Each day the boat grows like a child outgrowing her first pair of clothes. My mother and my aunt came to see her yesterday. My mom hasn’t been out since August seeing as she lives in California. My aunt saw her for the first time traveling all the way from Chicago. I love watching first impressions. In person, Rediviva towers over your head something the pictures just can’t capture.

The picture I snapped this morning is foggy because it was quite cold for the camera and then it died…. apologies


I’ll let Garrett explain this next planking technique when I can get better pictures to illustrate. Not much area left to cover now on the Port side. Exciting!

It’s “easy” now to pull 10 hour work days and we are flying through planking. We scored on a few more pieces of wood for the bottom planking to come and even talked with a sail maker! Things are starting to get real.”


2 thoughts on “Moving on through April

  1. As the “Chicago Aunt” who came to see this, I can truly attest that the pictures don’t do it justice. The complexity of it, the sheer size, and the passion of Ruth and Garrett can’t be captured. It is truly amazing and I am so proud of them!


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